Therapy for Bipolar Disorder
Looking back on your life, a common theme seems to consistently come into focus: instability.
Even before you were aware of the clinical term, you’ve known your life has been marked by periods of instability and feeling out of control. The evidence isn’t hard to come by, often taking the form of relationship difficulties, impulsive behavior, and feelings of despair and helplessness.

It hasn’t been all bad though.
The periods of high energy and motivation might suggest to you that you have things figured out, that you are firing on all cylinders, that you are unstoppable.
Whether these feelings last for a few days or a few weeks, you feel like you’ve hit the “sweet spot” of energy, emotion, and motivation.
But it doesn’t last.
Inevitably there is a crash.
Sometimes it’s fatigue, a general malaise, a lack of motivation. Other times it feels like full-fledged depression, including but not limited to helplessness, hopelessness, and despair.

The chaos that comes with these mood shifts pushes you to the edge of holding things together.
Disorganization, poor concentration, and fluctuating motivation pervade your work and home life. It’s hard enough to perform at work, be attentive to loved ones, pursue goals and feel fulfilled without the detriments of emotional distress.
It takes all of your strength and effort to maintain, and some days that is near impossible.